All About Me

Hi! I hope you guys like my blog and here is a little bit about me. I am a point guard in basketball. I love pandas ( obviously) and hermit crabs. I live in Texas, and have lived here all my life. Hope y'all enjoy!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

By By Summer

So so sad, summer vacation is  over. Good thing we have the weekend! I'm sad and glad summer is over the good  thing is that we get to go to school. Play and  learn with friends, we also get to make new friends!!! The bad thing is lots of homework and if your going into 3rd grade or up you'll be taking a very difficult test that's really a bad thing. When I get home sometimes I like to sit down relax a think "can I do better? Did I learn something new?". So when  you get home sit and think and I know it will be hard to think but ignore the noises and think. Get away from school work ,oh, you know "the kids".  And remember a hard day  can become a easy great day!!!


  1. That is very good advice. I should sit back and think about my day more often. I hope you've had a great few weeks back at school. Tell your mom & dad I said hi.
    Amy Stanley

  2. are so wise for someone your age. Love ya and miss you bunches!!!! Mrs. Reed
