All About Me

Hi! I hope you guys like my blog and here is a little bit about me. I am a point guard in basketball. I love pandas ( obviously) and hermit crabs. I live in Texas, and have lived here all my life. Hope y'all enjoy!

Monday, August 6, 2012

school strikes back !

I have been so exited for the next school year!!   I have also been kinda nervous because,  you know, I'm going to a brand new school, but everyone gets nervous sometimes.  I mean many many MANY  kids get nervous when they move and go to a new school. I know that their parents say to them, "you will make new friends and forget all about your other friends." "Then I would say, " but mommy I still remember Robin."  Robin was a Friend of mine back in Beckvill. You  know I moved from Beckvill to Mt.Vernon. Actually I have moved about 5 times sense birth counting the move to Katy.

I cant wait!!!        SCHOOL STRIKES BACK!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. have nothing to be nervous about....everyone is going to like you. I can't wait to hear how your first day of school goes. I love you and miss you so much :)

    Mrs. Reed
