All About Me

Hi! I hope you guys like my blog and here is a little bit about me. I am a point guard in basketball. I love pandas ( obviously) and hermit crabs. I live in Texas, and have lived here all my life. Hope y'all enjoy!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

what do the books do when the librarian leaves the library?

My mom had an idea about a book that shows what the books do when the librarian leaves the li brary. She 's thinking that the books about hunting chase the books about animals. I think it is very funny . I hope we can make the book, maybe the books a bout tornados make a tornado,I don't know how it is all gonna turn out, but it sounds exiting. I can't wait to read it!!!!!


  1. Grace....your imagination never stops amazing me!!! Sounds like you get it from your Mom. Can't wait to read the book someday. :)

    Happy Thanksgiving,
    Mrs. Reed

  2. im writing a book for acompition. you'll find out about in the next post!!!
